Tuesday, January 22, 2008

One down, TONS more to go!

Sorry for the lack of updates! We didn't all three meet sketchy dudes and get raped and killed this weekend! I swear. See... we live! ALIVE!!!

I met my first dude this Sunday to watch the Giants game. All in all, good time was had. I've been talking to Cate and Chloe, and out of the three of us, I'm the closest to a G.G. I mean, sure, I still like to do non-G.G. things like get drunk, meet bartenders and go home with them. But I actually kind of like guys. Well, sometimes.

So anyway, my dude was really normal. And I stuck to all of the rules like a pro! Drank Bud Light (I figured I had to drink beer since it was a sports bar). Talked about a few G.G. things. Knew NOTHING about guy movies (though that's not a stretch for me, I really don't know shit about movies). Guess the date went well because he asked if I wanted to go back to his place as we were leaving. I said no! Holla at me! I fucking said no! The real Jessica would have for SURE gone back to his place. No kissing either.

AND... get this! That was Sunday, and today is Tuesday, and he already called me. Interwebs... I'm not talking about an e-mail. I'm not talking about a text message. He picked up the phone, remembered my name and he called me! Shocked, I let it go to voicemail. But I just called him back, so here we go! I'm turning into a G.G. !


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